Slowing Neurodegeneration with a combination of Nutrition and Exercise

In my practice as a Nutritionist and therapist located in Newcastlewest, Limerick, Youghal, Cork, and available for one to one in person consultations and support online, I understand that maintaining cognition and brain fitness is a top priority for many of my patients. We know that along with nutritional therapy, exercise is a potent strategy, backed by emerging research, that these can help optimise both mitochondrial and cognitive function. This has the potential to decelerate cognitive decline and attenuate neurodegeneration. Let’s delve deeper into the science behind this fascinating connection.

Exercise, Mitochondrial Health, and Brain Fitness

Physical activity has emerged as a powerful tool in the quest to delay brain aging and degenerative pathologies, while also boosting cognitive processes, memory, and overall well-being. Numerous studies have reinforced the link between exercise and cognitive function, and it’s not limited to one type of physical activity. From low to high-intensity exercise, short-term interval training to aerobic workouts, social dancing, multimodal physical exercise, and mind-body exercises like mindful stretching, breathwork, tai chi, yoga, and qigong, all have shown potential benefits in improving attention, executive function, and memory.

One key factor contributing to exercise’s brain-boosting effects is its ability to optimize mitochondrial function. As we age, specific mitochondrial functions, such as biogenesis and mitophagy, tend to decrease. This decline, coupled with neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction, has been linked to neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis. However, research indicates that physical activity can counteract these issues by stimulating the activation of signaling pathways that protect neurons and support mitochondrial function.

Furthermore, both endurance and resistance exercise can increase circulating neurotrophins like brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which, in turn, promote mitochondrial biogenesis. Breathwork, emotional therapy and Exercise may also play a role in regulating neuroinflammation and glial activation, factors that actively contribute to neurodegenerative diseases.

Brain Volume

Exercise isn’t just about cognitive function; it also influences the physical structure of our brains. It enhances neuroplasticity by altering synaptic structure and function in various brain regions. Recent data shows that cardiorespiratory fitness is positively associated with total brain volume and grey matter volume in adults, suggesting that it not only contributes to improved brain health but may also decelerate grey matter loss associated with disease pathologies.

Cognitive Impairment & Neurodegenerative Disorders

When it comes to cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative disorders, exercise proves to be an effective strategy. It can preserve neuronal function, improve executive functions, and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. For example, aerobic training can potentially delay the progression of vascular cognitive impairment, while a multimodal physical exercise program has shown promise in improving mobility and executive functions in patients with mild cognitive impairment.

Exercise interventions tailored to specific neurodegenerative disorders can improve cognitive functions, slow degeneration, and enhance quality of life. In cases of Parkinson’s disease, exercise can address both motor and non-motor disorders, including balance and cognitive function. Similarly, for patients with multiple sclerosis, breathwork, stretching and exercise can improve aerobic fitness, strength, and cognition, while also enhancing their overall quality of life.

Clinical Takeaways: Brain Health Strategies

In my practice, I collaborate closely with my clients and patients to develop personalised therapeutic strategies. These strategies include emotional health, nutritional help and guidance and comprehensive treatment plans that cater to each persons specific conditions and concerns. For individuals with cognitive issues or those worried about brain aging, with Claire, explore a holistic approach, encompassing exercise, nutrition, sleep, emotional and mental health, and nurturing relationships. Together, we work towards optimising brain health and slowing neurodegeneration, ensuring a brighter, healthier future for all.



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