Fears and Phobias using Hypnosis

Overcome Fears & Phobias with Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy

Panic Disorders including Fears and Phobias respond excellently to hypno psychotherapy


Panic disorders including fears and phobias respond excellently to hypno-psychotherapy because all are learned behaviors, and come under the heading of cause and effect and once the cause is unearthed during hypno-regression, the emotional effects dissipate. The client learns to gain a sense of internal control over the fearful or anxiety-producing triggers

The most common fears and phobias treated: 

Anxiety – Bed wetting  – Blushing – ExaminationsFood issues  – Flying – Driving/Driving tests – Spiders – Birds – Heights – Dentists – Open spaces – Social phobia – Dogs – Failure – Medical procedures (needles, anesthesia etc) – Water – Sexual performance anxiety – Losing control


Hypnotherapy also has proven results Phobia’s and Fear

Phobias and the resulting panic are some of the most debilitating conditions that can affect the human population


They represent the ultimate panic attack. Once triggered, the heart races, the head spins, palms sweat, knees buckle and breathing becomes labored. The vision may blur and, in some cases, a fainting spell occurs. Some who are particularly hard hit say it feels as if they are going to have a heart attack.

Hypnotherapy helps sufferers in many ways including: by desensitising you to your specific trigger (breaking the association); and also by training you how to create the relaxation response on command.

Hypnotherapy helps you overcome fears and phobias by reprogramming your mind’s reaction to the trigger. Techniques used in hypnotherapy may vary for each client, because every persons history, severity and life experience is entirely different,  therefore the appropriate techniques and approaches and duration will vary.

Over 10% of the population will experience a phobia at some point in their lives. It can be useful to think of fear as False Evidence Appearing Real.



You don’t need to live with panic


This can vary from two to three sessions for a simple phobia to 8 – 12 sessions where the panic is generalised and severe. I use a combination of clinical hypnotherapy, counselling, hypno-cognitive therapy and hypnoanalysis to find the cause and thereby eliminate the emotional effects. There is no reason to live with something that creates panic and fear inside, and feel that it is outside your own control.  Hypnotherapy helps you overcome the phobia or fear and even alleviate it altogether.