Expert in Addiction Therapy   |  Claire Russell Psychotherapy Counselling

Claire Russell Therapy for Addictions

“Understanding the heart of your addiction to illuminate the path to recovery.”

Welcome to Addiction Recovery and Wellness

At Claire Russell Therapy, we recognize the complexity of addiction. We are dedicated to providing compassionate, evidence-based psychotherapy and counselling to individuals struggling with a variety of addictive behaviours. We focus on understanding and healing, rather than judgment.  Under the guidance of Claire individuals facing addiction challenges receive empathetic, expert care tailored to their unique needs. 

Addiction Therapy – Claire’s Approach 

Our approach, inspired by the empathetic and professional voice of Gabor Maté blends extensive training, with cutting-edge therapeutic techniques to foster deep healing and recovery.

Transformative Support for a Range of Addictions not limited to:

Alcohol Addiction


Alcohol addiction is a pervasive challenge, often masked by social acceptance. It can subtly disrupt life, affecting health, relationships, and emotional well-being.

Symptoms and Signs

  • Frequent overconsumption
  • Neglect of responsibilities
  • Physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms
  • Increasing tolerance

Therapy Benefits

Therapy provides a safe space to explore underlying issues fuelling alcohol dependence, promoting self-awareness, emotional and mental health recovery and healthier coping mechanisms.

Treatment Approach

Claire Russell adopts a holistic approach, addressing both psychological and physical aspects, integrating cognitive-behavioural techniques, mind coaching, mental and emotional healing with mindfulness practices.

Struggling with alcohol? Contact us for a confidential consultation and take the first step towards reclaiming control of your life.

Drug Addiction


Drug addiction, encompassing prescription, legal and illicit substances, significantly impacts mental health, emotional and physical health.

Symptoms and Signs

  • Compulsive drug-seeking behavior
  • Neglect of social and professional obligations
  • Physical withdrawal symptoms
  • Changes in behavior and mood

Therapy Benefits

Our therapy sessions offer a non-judgmental environment to understand the root causes of addiction and develop personalised coping strategies.

Treatment Approach

Claire’s method involves an integrative approach, combining counselling, psychotherapy, CBT, EFT, emotional support and healing, motivational interviewing with relapse prevention education.

If drug addiction is impacting your life, Claire Russell Therapy is here to help. Schedule a private session today.

Gambling Addiction

  • Gambling Addiction: Reclaim your life with our support, breaking the cycle of gambling and restoring hope and stability.


Gambling addiction can be as debilitating as substance addictions, often hidden behind a facade of recreational activity.

Symptoms and Signs

  • Preoccupation with gambling
  • Chasing losses
  • Financial instability due to gambling
  • Strained relationships

Therapy Benefits

Therapy offers strategies to break the cycle of gambling addiction, fostering financial and emotional stability, mental health and emotional health recovery.

Treatment Approach

Claire utilises psychotherapy, counselling, mental and emotional therapeutic modalities, with cognitive-behavioral therapy to challenge and change gambling behaviours, feelings and thoughts.

Ready to tackle gambling addiction? Reach out to us for support, recovery from gambling with expert proven guidance.

Pornography Addiction

  • Pornography Addiction: Navigate the challenges of pornography addiction with our non-judgmental, confidential counselling services.


Pornography addiction, often a taboo subject, can affect personal relationships and self-esteem.

Symptoms and Signs

  • Excessive use of pornography
  • Interference with daily life
  • Guilt or shame after usage
  • Difficulty in forming real-life intimate relationships

Therapy Benefits

Our therapy sessions provide a confidential environment to discuss issues and develop healthier sexual behaviors.

Treatment Approach

Claire focuses on understanding individual triggers and promoting healthy sexuality through personalised therapy plans combining integrative counselling and psychotherapy modalities including CBT, DBT and EFT.

Struggling with pornography addiction? Contact Claire Russell Therapy for a highly confidential, judgment-free path to recovery and getting your life back.

Sexual Addiction

  • Sexual Addiction: Explore the roots of sexual addiction and begin the path to healthy sexual behaviour and relationships.


Sexual addiction involves compulsive sexual behaviors that impact various aspects of life.

Symptoms and Signs

  • Compulsive engagement in sexual activities
  • Neglect of responsibilities
  • Risky sexual behavior
  • Feelings of shame or guilt

Therapy Benefits

Therapy helps in addressing the underlying emotional and psychological issues, fostering healthier sexual habits.

Treatment Approach

Claire employs a compassionate approach, integrating counselling, psychotherapy modalities therapies with emotional health and mental health healing and recovery.

If sexual addiction is affecting your energy, relationships or your life, get in touch for confidential, compassionate, professional help.

Smoking and Vape Addictions

  • Smoking and Vape Addictions: Breathe easier with our cessation programs, tailored to your unique journey towards a smoke-free life.


Smoking and vape addictions are not only harmful to physical health but can also be financially, socially and emotionally taxing.

Symptoms and Signs

  • Dependence on smoking or vaping
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Increased tolerance
  • Impact on social and personal life

Therapy Benefits

Our therapy sessions aim to address both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction, promoting a smoke-free lifestyle.

Treatment Approach

Claire’s approach includes behavioural counselling combined with mindfulness techniques to manage cravings.

Ready to quit smoking or vaping? We can help. Book your consultation today.

Technology Addiction

  • Technology Addiction: Reconnect with your family, friends and world around you as we address the compulsive use of digital devices and the internet.


Technology addiction includes compulsive use of digital devices, affecting mental health, relationships, families and social interactions.

Symptoms and Signs

  • Excessive screen time
  • Neglect of real-life relationships
  • Mood swings related to technology use
  • Withdrawal symptoms when not using devices

Therapy Benefits

Therapy offers a balanced perspective on technology usage, encouraging healthy digital habits.

Treatment Approach

Claire uses a blend of cognitive-behavioural therapy, counselling, psychotherapy, NLP, EFT, and digital detox strategies.

Overwhelmed by technology? Let’s work together towards a balanced life. Contact us now.

Substance Abuse

  • Substance Abuse: Find holistic support as you detoxify your life from substances and rebuild a foundation for lasting sobriety.


Substance abuse covers a range of behaviors from misuse of medications to illicit drug use, impacting health and lifestyle.

Symptoms and Signs

  • Misuse of prescription drugs
  • Recurrent drug use despite harmful consequences
  • Withdrawal symptoms
  • Tolerance development

Therapy Benefits

Therapy provides insight into the psychological triggers of substance abuse and supports long-term recovery.

Treatment Approach

Claire combines psychoeducation with harm reduction, psychotherapy, counselling, EFT, NLP, mind coaching along with strategies tailored to each individual.

Dealing with substance abuse? Claire Russell Therapy is here to support your journey of recovery to great health, real peace and happiness with your wellness.

Why Choose a Psychotherapist and Counsellor for Addiction?

  • Expertise: Gain insight from a professional with a deep understanding of the psychological mechanisms of addiction.
  • Empathy: Experience a therapy space that recognises your struggles without judgment.
  • Strategy: Learn coping strategies that are practical, personalised, and proven to help you overcome addictive behaviours.
  • Support: Feel supported at every step of your journey, with a therapist committed to your long-term well-being.

Benefits of Working with Claire Russell Addiction Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Nutrition and Counselling

  • Personalized Care: Every treatment plan is as unique as you are, ensuring that your specific needs are met.
  • Comprehensive Treatment: Address not just the addiction, but the emotional and psychological aspects underlying it.
  • Confidentiality: Your privacy is paramount, providing you a safe space to open up and heal.
  • Continual Growth: We focus on not just overcoming addiction, but on fostering personal development and growth.

Begin Your Journey Today

Ready to take the first step? Contact Claire Russell Therapy for your confidential free 15min consultation.

  • Phone: 087 616 6638
  • Email:
  • Online Booking:

Each person’s journey is personal, individual with ones one unique triggers and life experience. Claire Russell Therapy is committed to providing the compassionate, personalised and specialized care you deserve. Don’t let addiction define your life. Reach out today to start an exciting and happy new life chapter.